Nobuhito Shibata
Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, Japan
Title: Pharmaceutical evaluation of nano-fiber matrix supported drug delivery system using solvent-based electrospinning method
Biography: Nobuhito Shibata
The solvent-based electrospinning (ES) method is mainly employed in the textile industry to make nano-fiber from polymers. Utilizing this method, nano-fiber matrix supported controlled-release systems of drugs were prepared and evaluated. Where, methacrylic acid copolymer (EUDRAGIT® S100, MCA) was used as a base polymer. Using the ES apparatus equipped with a high-voltage supplier, syringe pump and a metallic collection plate for nano-fiber, the polymer solution including drug (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) was extracted into a glass syringe with a stainless needle (18 gauge), and the syringe was fixed at a designated position in the ES apparatus. The voltage applied between the needle and the metallic collection plate was 25 kV with a collection distance of 10 cm. The polymer solution including the drug was then pushed out at a constant flow rate. Consequently, a nano-fiber was formed from the stream of polymer solution in the electric field, and a self-assembled nano-fiber sheet was obtained on the metallic collection plate. The X-ray diffraction for the nano-fiber sheet showed that drugs were packed into nano-fiber in amorphous form. Then, the nano-fiber sheet including drug was applied for several drug delivery system as a nano-fiber matrix. In vitro release profiles and in vivo pharmacokinetic profiles of drugs from the formulation including nano-fiber matrix in rats and/or mice showed the aspects of controlled-release system as compared to conventional preparations. Moreover, the nano-fiber matrix is applicable for both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs, and provides new approaches to prepare several formulations with pharmaceutical advantages.