Omathanu Perumal
Professor & Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Scienes South Dakota State University Founder & Chief Scientific Officer Tranzderm Solutions USA
Title: Protein Nanocarriers For Drug Delivery Applications
Biography: Omathanu Perumal
Protein biopolymers are attractive materials for developing nanoparticulate based drug delivery systems. To this end, food-grade protein biopolymers offer many advantages including biodegradability, demonstrated safety as food materials, and the amino acids can be used for further chemical modification to optimize drug delivery systems. Our research focuses on core-shell nanoparticles developed using zein, a water-insoluble corn protein as the core and hydrophilic/amphilphilic milk proteins, polymers or lipids as the shell. The focus of our research is to understand the influence of core-shell composition on drug delivery by oral and non-oral routes of drug administration. The presentation will focus on the development and in-vitro as well as in-vivo characterization of protein core-shell nanoparticles by oral, topical and intravenous administration for a wide variety of drugs. The talk will present the application of the core-shell nanoparticles for enhancing the water solubility, membrane permeability, drug stability, sustain drug release and improve drug bioavailability by various routes of drug administration