Adriana Avila Flores
Auburn University, USA
Avila completed her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Kansas State University in four years. Her thesis work focused on developing a method to deliver genes into cells using peptide nano-spheres. Currently she is a research associate at Auburn University working in the field of drug delivery and microfluidics. She helped to establish a biotechnology company, Genetadi Biotech SL, in Bilbao, Spain from 2008 to 2010 (before start graduate school) and she had been a founding partner since that year. she had published five research papers and one review article (corresponding author in the review). Presently she is serving as a co-chair for the Gordon Research Seminar in Cancer Nanotechnology.
Abstract : Branched amphiphilic cationic oligo-peptides for delivery of HPV-16 DNA vaccines